General sales conditions.

Prices will variate according to specific products.
Specific terms and conditions will be available for each chosen product during order. It is always possible to contact us directly for further information on specific products.
+34 952 66 33 00

1. Use of the service and liability: The use of the service is performed on the basis of the Client's commitment to use this in accordance with the law, the clauses of this contract , morals , good customs generally accepted, publicorder, and overall, the proper use of the service in accordance with the purpose for which it was made available.

By signing this contract the Client will receive lease -for private use- of the line as detailed and will be responsible for the use of this during the terms of this contract.

The Client agrees not to use the service for illicit purposes or those that can injure rights of others or in any other way can damage injure or impair the service , computer equipment , property, and the image of Flexnet Telecom Group SL

2. Term of service: The service will continue after the “Duration of the contract” if not cancelled by the Client.

3. Price and limits of the service:


All referenced prices in this contract include VAT.
If paid by credit/debit card, a 4% fee is imposed.

The navigation service is provided through a Fiber optic network/Mobile network –subject to operator coverage. Data is Unlimited per month for Fiber optic. For some contracts with mobile broadband the service is limited to a certain speed or data allowance. Fair use policy applies. The operatorcan suspend the service due to unfair usage/excessive use.

4. Payment: The Client will pay Flexnet Telecom Group SL 100% of the value of the equipment and the service.

At the signing of this contract a direct payment of two months subscription must be paid in cash or with credit/debit card to Flexnet Telecom Group SL.

There may not be partial payments.

5. Charges: The Client authorizes Flexnet Telecom Group SL for collecting monthly payments within the first five days of every month according to this contract and, where applicable, the price adjustments resulting from the applicationof the regulation stipulated in section 3. Price of the service on this present contract by direct debit/credit card or bank account.

6. Warranty: Flexnet Telecom Group SL are users of national operators, so they can only ensure a stream guaranteed by these which is 10% of the flow.

7. Penalty for non-payment: If the bank charge/credit card payment is declined, a 15€ administration charge will be imposed per failed attempt. If the Client does not pay the monthly subscription within the period specified in section5. Charges Flexnet Telecom Group SL is obliged to give the order to suspend the service. Any suspension will require a reactivation fee of fifty euros (€50.00)

8. Transfer of the contract: This contract has personal character, so it may not be assigned totally or either partly to a third party.

9. Personal data:
En cumplimiento del Reglamento General de Protección de Datos (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016 y la ley orgánica 3/2018 de 5 de diciembre de Protección de Datos Personales y de Garantía de los Derechos Digitales le informamos que los datos por Vd. proporcionados serán objeto de tratamiento por parte de FLEXNET TELECOM GROUP S.L. con CIF B93280022, con domicilio en MIJAS (MALAGA), C.P. 29650, CENTRO COMERCIAL IDEA, CARRETERA DE MIJAS Km 3,6 , con la finalidad de prestarle el servicio solicitado y/o contratado, realizar la facturación del mismo. La base legal para el tratamiento de sus datos es la ejecución del servicio por usted contratado y/o solicitado. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación comercial o durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en FLEXNET TELECOM GROUP S.L. estamos tratando sus datos personales y por tanto tiene derecho a ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, limitación del tratamiento, portabilidad, oposición al tratamiento y supresión de sus datos mediante escrito dirigido a la dirección postal arriba mencionada o electrónica, adjuntando copia del DNI en ambos casos, así como el derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Control (

In compliance with the Data Protection General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, on the 27th April 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5th on Personal Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform you that the provided personal data will be processed by FLEXNET TELECOM GROUP S.L. with VAT number B93280022, addressed in MIJAS (MALAGA), C.P. 29650, CALLE CENTRO COMERCIAL IDEA, CARRETERA DE MIJAS Km 3,6, to provide the requested service, and make the billing of it. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the execution of the contracted service. The future offer of products and services will be based on the requested consent, and in the case of the withdrawal of this consent, this would never condition the execution of the contract. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations. The data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain confirmation of whether or not we are treating your personal data under FLEXNET TELECOM GROUP S.L. and therefore you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, treatment limitation, portability, opposition to treatment and suppression of your data by writing to the address postal mentioned above or electronic account attached mail copy of the ID in both cases, as well as the right to file a claim with the Control Authority (

10. Condition of the equipment: Rental equipment that show signs of abuse or misuse by the Client, will have to be purchased by the Client. The equipment is delivered in perfect condition and maintenance.

11. Termination of contract: Contracts may not be cancelled except for force majeure. If the contract is cancelled before the duration date a penalty of €150 will be taken from the deposit.

12. Limitation of Liability: Flexnet Telecom Group SL is not responsible for any damage caused to other equipment by improper installation or electrical problems. Flexnet Telecom Group SL can not be held responsible if the network ofthe operator collapses or in other way malfunctions.

13. Jurisdiction: For the interpretation and performance of this contract, the parties to any dispute, waive the jurisdiction of the courts that may correspond to them, and free and voluntarily submit to the town of Mijas (Málaga).